Advertising have great influence in our society by helping it to choose from a wide and impressive array of products and services which have flooded the market. Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behaviour.The buying behaviour of a person depends upon some psychological dimensions. He is exposed to the external forces which makes him to choose one product in place of another. Likewise the culture of a person as a model also depends upon certain psychological dimension which plays a crucial role in the selection of the mode and media of his or her performance.
Standard of living is an important aspect as far as every individual is concerned. Standard of living depends upon the earning people have and the type of products they use. It’s according to this standard of the targeted audience the marketers chose the models and modeling agencies. Codes of conduct have been set for advertising industry also.
It enforces each individual associated with the advertising industry to act within a certain parameter, and mainly to act ethically. The social aspects include avoidance of unethical activities such as vulgarity in dressing, the use of sex –especially the use of women as it s object. So all professional modeling are obliged to fulfill these social aspects.