FS: audiobahn 15' SE daniel jones edition comes with a sealed box.
5 months used. 6k asking price.
FS: lightning audio S1.1000D mono amp
1000 watts in 1ohm. 750 2 ohms. 500 in 4 ohms.
3 months used 13.500k asking price.
FS: subwoofer;model P3.12.4 - lightning audio
12" 4-Ohm Single Voice Coil Subwoofer.
comes with a ported box.
asking price: 4500k
FS: audiobahn flame series 12' subwoofer.
2 pcs. comes with a flexiglass and neon lights.
asking price 8k
FS: autotek street machine 800watts 4 channel.
cheater amp. orig.
asking price: 11k
FS: w6v2 subwoofer JL audio.
comes with a flexiglass and neon lights.
asking price 25k.
if interested pls contact:
john 09279438670